Thursday, November 28, 2019

beyond freedom and dignity essays

beyond freedom and dignity essays In B. F. Skinners book, Beyond Freedom s point of view. That is, a point of view where man is viewed primarily as an animal, the "being" aspect of a "human being" is dropped from the picture. There is no consideration for a view of man who has mind that observes, chooses, decides and initiates action upon the environment. Basically, Skinner insinuated the idea that man has no personality, free will, responsibility, and that contemporary concepts of freedom and dignity can not be realistically applied to life experiences. I consider the question that if it is the natural stimuli that control the actions of humans, who controls the natural stimulus? Subsequently, if the natural stimuli are randomly occurring, that means that all things experienced by humans are at best, by chance or luck. I will first discuss parts of Skinners theories before I state my opinion on the validity of his work. Skinners entire system of experimentation was based on operant conditioning. While trying to comprehend Skinners explanation of operant conditioning, I visualized a person getting knocked around in a pin-ball machine. This person bouncing around in a pin-ball machine represents the idea of reaction, that is, to everything it would come into contact with. From Skinners point of view, those things a person would come in contact with are the stimulus, or the reinforcers. Specifically, the stimulus has the ability to increase the operant, or the behavior taking place right before the stimulus. Additionally, Skinner believed that the behaviors following the stimulus are consequences. Whether good or bad, those consequences have the ability to affect the tendency for a person to repeat the action. Skinner also discussed a different kind of stimulus, aversive stimulus, or something that is found uncomfortable and ...

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Internet Outline essays

Internet Outline essays A. Prehistoric people had trouble communicating 3. Scribbling difficult messages on cave walls. B. Time passed, people organized into communities 1. Patterns of social behavior developed. C. With up-coming civilizations came the urge to become connected to the larger social whole D. People have been creating tools for the development and construction which enable and connect humans E. In the 1800s Samuel Morse invented the telegraph. This is when people started to want to be wired F. From ARPANET to Internet2, we have the tools and capacity to reshape thought, search for renewed meaning, and ensure prosperity. Promote human rights, invest in global economic development relieve the scourge of disease renew our love of art and learning. G. We will see how the Internet has become a ubiquitous (Being everywhere) force in daily life. II. Shaping the Internet age (Bill Gates, chairman, Microsoft corps.) A. Less than 25 years ago, the Internet was an obscure network of large computers used by a small community of researchers. B. The majority of them were found in corporate information technology (IT) departments or research laboratories. C. Now, The Internet is the center of attention for business, governments, and individuals around the world. We are only at the dawn of the Internet age. D. The Internet will have an effect on the way we work, live, and learn. E. The Internet will bring instant and flawless communication and commerce everywhere. To any device imaginable F. The Internet will be a key economic and cultural force in the 21st century. G. First, the Internet was an academic community concept; it is now unique, independent information exchange point. Without a centralized management. And upon common standards. H. From TCP/IP (a technological protocol that is a traffic cop for n ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

File Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

File - Essay Example For a long time, those who supported Dreyfus had not been able to make any objections but the publication of Zola’s article gave them the much needed boost to challenge the affair. The emergence of two opposing camps definitely had a great impact on the Third Republic. It is rather hard to determine when the Dreyfusard camp came into existence. The truth is that a large section of public opinion, together with a large section of intellectuals, politicians, journalists and writers were sure that Dreyfus was guilty by the time his trial came into an end in 1894. If anything, the court had declared him guilty and the newspapers had broadcasted this guilty sentence. Even though individuals such as Zola were dismayed by the anti-Semitism direction that the trial had taken in dying years of 1894, no one came out publicly to challenge the outcome of the sentence. In addition to this, from the moment that Dreyfus had been arrested, a very small number of individuals were convinced of his innocence. After the conviction, several individuals led by Edgar Demange, a criminal lawyer soon began to see the conviction as a case of racial profiling. Upon the passage of the guilty verdict, Demange held a press conference where he declared that the incarceration wa s a judicial mistake. On the other hand, the anti-Dreyfusard’s were the individuals who were convinced that Dreyfus was guilty of the charges brought against him and was therefore fit to be in prison. For the Dreyfusard’s, their main issue at the beginning of the affair was calling for a revision of the issue. At first, revisionism only meant for the review of Dreyfus sentence but with the passage of time it generated into a larger fight against anti-Semitism, militarism, nationalism, and conservatism. In later years, revision turned into a call for the change in ideology. As the movement grew, Dreyfusard’s started addressing the issue of French anti-Semitism that had not been

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Beef Hormone Issue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Beef Hormone Issue - Essay Example The use of synthetic hormones has been linked to the onset of early puberty along with a link to an increase in breast cancer cells in pubescent girls that lead to higher incidents of breast cancer masticizing. This paper will not only review the history of how synthetic hormones are required to be used in a safe manner according to FDA regulations, but also in discussing the US/EU debate issue in how this issue relays to the general public using bipartisan discussion. Since the European Union's ban on products containing beef hormones is not supported by scientific evidence, is detrimental to the United States cattle industry, and is detrimental to the over all economy of the United States, the United States is right in seeking an end to the ban. According to the USDA government website, this is an ongoing issue over the past fifteen years between the US and the EU (European Union). The disagreement itself is over the use of hormones in cattle came to a head in 1989 when the EU effectively banned any U.S. exports of beef to their country that have been treated with growth promotants. The U.S. has retaliated with scientific studies, evaluations (EU and CODEX conducted) have supported the U.S. position. The disagreement may have some merit with respect to independent testing of the effects that the synthetic hormones on a particular demographic community, mainly the increase in the onset of puberty in prepubescent girls along with an increase in the instances of breast cancer in females. The beef hormone issue is not specifically segregated to an increase in molecular alteration of cancer cells as described above, but, the increase in consumer awareness of the beef farmers using synthetic hormones with their cattle and the need to have labeling included stating the use of synthetic hormones. Hormones The hormones that are naturally occurring in every human are required for normal physiological functioning and maturation and three of these hormones in question, estradiol, progesterone and testosterone, are naturally occurring in all humans and food animals. The other three hormones, trenbolone acetate, zeranol and melengestrol acetate (MGA), have been made into a synthetic version in order to mimic the natural occurring hormone versions.1 Safety Records The FDA has conducted thorough research on the effects of growth hormones used on beef cattle since 1950 and had concluded there was no danger posed to human health and they concluded that there is "essentially no difference between beef from animals raised using hormones and those raised without their use." There is a world wide consensus is that these hormones when used according to approved veterinary practices are very safe and the USDA web site advises that this consensus is reflected in the 1984 and 1987 Lamming Committee reports-- the scientific expert group commissioned by the European Community; the 1987 Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) of the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; the Codex Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Food (CC/RVDF), the Codex

Monday, November 18, 2019

Environmental Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Environmental Security - Essay Example Environmental Security Although there are various definitions proposed by the Millennium Project, they have been ranked according to importance, relevance and completeness. Based on such ranking the best definition so far that has approved by scientists is â€Å"Environmental security is the relative public safety from environmental dangers caused by natural or human processes due to ignorance, accident, mismanagement or design and originating within or across national borders† (Chourou, 2011, p.373). In the global level, various aspects have been recognized as potential security threats in the next ten years. Human contribution is a major element since population growth is increasingly creating imbalance in the biodiversity. Similarly, climate change is becoming a grave issue more for negligence by humans than its manifestation. Moreover, overpopulation is rapidly creating food and water scarcity along with contamination of air and oceans (Chourou, 2011, p.373). Environment security has today become a global concern, and it has attracted the attention of the security community. Therefore, the involved actors accomplish the task of risk evaluation and it has been agreed upon that climate change causes potential hazards. The US security community remains engaged in evaluating every contingency and accordingly planning effective solutions. Environment is one major issue that is rapidly gaining prominence in the context of defense planning. The use of military tools for environmental risk assessment is subjected to criticisms since these tools are force oriented.

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Construction Of The Great Wall

The Construction Of The Great Wall The construction of the great wall arose throughout the Warring States Period (403 to 221 BC). The Great Wall is a fortification alongside the northern and northwestern boundary of China, running from Shanhaiguan on the Gulf of Bohai on the east to the vicinity of Gaodai, Gansu Province, on the west, with an inner wall consecutively southward from the vicinity of Beijing almost to Handan. Shi Huangdi, first emperor of the Chin dynasty founded the biggest portion of the wall as a defense against raids by nomadic peoples. Organized work on the wall was begun about 221 BC, after Shi Huangdi had united China under his rule, and it was completed about 204 BC. Small segments of the wall were probably already in existence, but Shi Huangdi is thought to have had some nearly 1,200 miles of the wall erected during his reign. 300,000 men several of them political prisoners whose bodies are thought to be buried in the wall (not essentially true) were put to work joining the segments into one h uge rampart of stone and earth. In later times, chiefly during the period of the Ming dynasty (AD 1368-1644), the Great Wall was fixed and extended by reinforcing it with cement and stone. The fortification finally reached a length of about 1,500 miles, ensuing the course of rivers instead of bridging them and conforming to the contours of the mountains and valleys in its path. The wall is built of earth and stone, faced with brick in the eastern parts. It is from 15 to 30 feet thick at the base (about 20 feet on the average) and tapers to some 12 feet at the top. The height averages 25 feet exclusive of the crenellated parapets. Watchtowers about 40 feet in height are placed at intervals of approximately 200 yards. Several hundred kilometers of the Great Wall remain intact in the eastern reaches. The amount of brick and stone working to construct the Great Wall might limit the earth with a barrier eight feet high. From the 6th to the 14th centuries, the wall proved to be an effective barrier against strong-minded invaders, who revealed that bribing the lookouts was their most effective weapon. The Chinese Emperors aided in this cause by failing to pay there army troops, usually a bad mistake. If you dont pay your army, someone else will. Scholars guess that the Great Wall with all its divisions once stretched for 6,200 miles, from the Yalu River in the northern east to Xinjiang in the northwest. Today it measures 6,000 miles. The Great Wall has suffered serious damage from wind and water erosion, as well as man-made destruction. In the past it has been a treasure store of stone for many a poor farmer. Between 1870 and 1974, the 8th Route Army stationed at Gubeikou destroyed 9,840 feet of the wall to use the stone to erect some barracks. Later in 1979, the State ordered the same army group to tea r down their barracks and rebuild the wall. In 226 the armies of the Chu Dynasty and the Qin dynasty met in a great final battle. The victor would get the prize of the richest and most technologically advanced nation of the world. The Qin Emperor needed to defend the country from the marauding bands of nomadic horsemen of the north. These bands of horsemen who raided the rich farmland came from the barren land of the north and were forced to become marauding nomads. It was a clash of farmers against warriors. The group would be difficult to defeat. The strength, stability and prosperity of the new empire were threatened by these marauding hordes. To preserve Chinas borders the Qin set about building a huge defensive barrier in 221 BC. Wall building became the chief defensive strategy to repel the enemy from the north. This was in the age before gunpowder and cannons. The first Great Wall was a massive undertaking. It was the equivalent of building 30 of the great pyramids of Egypt. To build this great wall of 3,000 miles the Qin Emperor chose his most able general Ling Qia. He was given an army of over 300,000 men. They had to build roads, and the infrastructure as well as the wall. Much of the wall was built of beaten clay. Rock was not always available, so tamped earth became the first choice. Dirt was designated from at least four inches below the surface so seeds and grasses could not germinate and thus undermine the strength of the wall. Consuming first a form made of wood, earth was piled and was pounded into a layer of four inches thick. Following layers of this would produce a wall twenty feet high that would still be standing some 2,000 years later. The wall stretched from the borders of North Korea across the northern border to the far reaches in western China. In ten years they built a wall across the entire northern border of China in lands that included marshes, quicksand, deserts, and altitudes of 8,000 feet. They built twenty-five miles a month that is almost a mile a day. One section is across 60 miles of a mountain range. This section was built entirely of native stone with the flat face placed on the outside to face the enemy. This dry stonewall was built 20 feet high with 26-foot high beacon towers. The Qin army invented new weapons to exploit thei r advantage of their new wall. The most deadly of these was the crossbow that could hurl an arrow 250 yards with amazing accuracy. Other weapons included iron casting techniques to produce double edged swords which would not be known in the west for some 1,300 years later. The soft bronze swords of the enemy were no match for the double-edged iron swords of the Qin army. All of this was achieved at great economic and human costs. The emperor thought the wall would bring peace to the nation but the nation was weakened by the heavy cost of the construction. Ditches along the wall were filled with the corpses of workers who died building the wall. Deaths of wall workers are estimated to exceed one million. Some have claimed that the dead workers were entombed in the wall itself. Later investigations proved this untrue. Also decaying bodies would have weakened the structure and would not have been allowed. No society could sustain such a terrible burden. Taxation became heavier and heav ier. Some 3,500,000 people were involved in the building of the Great Wall. That was 70% of the total population of China at that time. For each worker working on the wall, six were required to feed and support them. Construction of the Qin wall became the most loathed imperial plan in Chinese history. In 209 BC, Only a year after the death of the Qin Emperor, millions of laborers rose up and ended the tyranny and bloodshed of wall building. The Qin Dynasty had fallen, brought down by the building of the great wall. Within ten years much of the wall was a neglected ruin. Once again the northern border was at the mercy of the northern invaders. After three years of civil war in 206 BC the first Han Dynasty was formed under the Gao Di Emperor, Liu Bang. At first he attempted to appease the northern invaders with gifts and increased trade but peace was sporadic. A massive force of the Han army attacked the invaders and forced them back across the northern borders. To consolidate their victories they began to mark out their new extended borders. In many areas they simply restored the old Qin wall. In order to build walls in the desert of the west, new methods of construction had to be devised. Here the soil consists of a gravel of sand and small stones. They used alternating layers of red willows and the gravel and lots of tamping. This produced a wall that has survived for some 2,000 years. Using these techniques and hundreds of thousands of people, the Han were able to build the wall far into the Gobi desert. And where clay was used as a skin or coating it made the wall difficult to scale and protected it against the erosion of the weather. The Han leadership knew to have a strong frontier they not only needed to build a strong wall but they also needed crack troops to defend it. They developed a force of light cavalry that could foray into the enemy territory to check on the enemy movements in his own grounds. They had many victories against the Xiongnu. They then employed renegade Xiongnu horse masters to set up horse breeding stables and to train their troops in horsemanship. By the time of the sixth Han Emperor Wu Di some 66 years later, they had crushed the Xiongnu and the wall was extended some 300 miles into the Gobi Desert. The wall now extended across the principle trading routes and if you wished to trade with the Chinese you needed to enter through the gates in the wall. Around these gates towns were established and became the trade centers of the area. At most gates foreigners were not allowed to go past the gates so these became the portals of trade into China. One flawless example is the stunningly preserved Jade Gate. Built in 101 BC, it is 28 feet high and 66 feet square. Close by they built a fort for the Han soldiers defending the wall. This piece of the wall is 453 feet long, 115 feet wide and 23 feet high. The wall became more than a trade route and a barrier to keep out the enemy, it turned out to be vital for communications. Along its ramparts messages can be sent at incredible speeds from one end of the empire to the other. All along the northern border beacon towers were built every 15 to 30 miles. They formed a communication network, which ran from outposts deep into enemy territory to the ancient capital in the east. From these towers the Han troops used smoke by day and torches by night to send messages along the length of the wall. They burnt wood, and straw mixed with wolf dung, which produced rich black columns of smoke. Statutes firmly governed the code of these signals. One column of smoke indicated a n impending attack by a force of less than 500. Two columns showed an attack by a force less than 3,000 and four columns indicated an attack by a force of up to 10,000.China would wait another 1,300 years before embarking on its greatest period of wall building. The Ming Dynasty built much of what remains today. They were driven by desperation to build the ultimate defense and lock the northern frontier once and for all. The Ming renovated the old Qin and Han walls and extended them. The Ming wall stretched some 4,500 miles from the Korean border at Dandong to the city of Jayuguan in the western desert. Today that fort is one of the most impressive, ornate, and sophisticated military constructions in the history of China. The Ming Dynasty came into power in 1368 inheriting a nation crushed by 100 years of rule by the Mongols. The mighty Genghis Khan had united these tribes in 1206 and had pushed their way through China. Ultimately they fell from within. A peasant revolt spelled the defeat of the Mongol empire. The leader of this revolt was Zhu Yangzhong who was installed as the first Ming Emperor. He immediately took up the challenge to begin building the great defense again. The enthusiasm in which the Ming emperors embraced this ambition was staggering. They built more wall than any other dynasty. The Ming wall was typically built with a stone facing over tamped inner clay. This wall was almost indestructible. The Ming bricks were a marvel of engineering holding up to a pressure of over 1000 pounds per square inch. The mortar was of super strength. The mortar was stronger than the bricks themselves. The puzzle of this super strength has now been solved. The mystery ingredient was rice flour. With innovations like these, the Ming was able to build spectacular monuments. A feature of the wall was water drainage systems that channeled the water to the Chinese side and withheld the water to the enemy side and thus inhibited plant growth and so denied cover to the attackers. Warning towers were built in enemy territory. These spurs were built out from the main wall and permitted the Chinese to attack the marauders from two sides. The armies were controlled from watchtowers that were built every 200 yards along the Ming walls. Locks and bolts secured the doors and windows from within creating a formidable fortress. From these towers the defenders could unleash arrows and spears from heavily protected slits. Later cannon were used. Having discovered gunpowder, the Ming was also the first to use hand grenades and mines. Stones were also pushed through special openings to create man made avalanches to crush the enemy. If the attackers succeeded in scaling the wall, the defenders could retreat to the guard towers. These guard towers were only accessible by retractable ladders.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Bram Stokers Dracula vs. Miyazakis Princess Mononoke :: essays research papers

Bram Stoker’s novel, Dracula, as well as, Hayao Miyazaki’s animated feature, Princess Mononoke, deal with the prevalent theme of good verses evil. On the surface, both stories seem like typical hero verses villain tales, but once their plots are more closely analyzed it is evident that there is not a bold line between the two extremes. Both pieces explore the idea of evil being in the eye of the beholder and being interpreted completely differently from contrasting perspectives. Princess Mononoke is the tale of a young prince, Ashitaka, who battles a demon bore, only to become possessed with its evil spirit. Ashitaka then travels to Irontown, seeking to find the reason for the bore’s anger and thus, a cure for himself. When he arrives, he finds that the citizens of the town, under the rule of Lady Eboshi, have been mining iron from nearby mountains and, in turn, disturbing the animal Gods of the forest. The animals and the humans have been in a constant battle over who has the right to the land and both have been lead to believe that the other species is purely evil. Ashitaka believes that the humans and the animals can get along peacefully through compromise and finds himself in the middle of their conflict. From each side’s perspective, the other seems inherently evil, but from Ashitaka’s perspective, and the perspective of the audience, neither side is truly corrupt and they are both just feeding off of each other’s anger. Alt hough the animals seem evil and barbaric to the humans, they are just being protective over their land and are acting off of their fear of the humans. On the other hand, the humans are seen as evil by the animals because of their selfish use of resources, but they are just trying to financially support their community. For example, Lady Eboshi, the leader of Irontown, is seen as evil for orchestrating this exploitation of resources from the animals, but the humans see her as a compassionate, God-like figure. She does many positive and kind things for the human community, such as taking in women from the streets and brothels and giving them a place to live and work. Even though she is, in essence, destroying the animal’s habitats, she is saving the lives of many humans while doing it. The animal characters are also portrayed as compassionate in many respects. For example, when the leader of the wolves finds an abandoned baby, she takes her in and raises her as if she were her own daughter. Bram Stoker's Dracula vs. Miyazaki's Princess Mononoke :: essays research papers Bram Stoker’s novel, Dracula, as well as, Hayao Miyazaki’s animated feature, Princess Mononoke, deal with the prevalent theme of good verses evil. On the surface, both stories seem like typical hero verses villain tales, but once their plots are more closely analyzed it is evident that there is not a bold line between the two extremes. Both pieces explore the idea of evil being in the eye of the beholder and being interpreted completely differently from contrasting perspectives. Princess Mononoke is the tale of a young prince, Ashitaka, who battles a demon bore, only to become possessed with its evil spirit. Ashitaka then travels to Irontown, seeking to find the reason for the bore’s anger and thus, a cure for himself. When he arrives, he finds that the citizens of the town, under the rule of Lady Eboshi, have been mining iron from nearby mountains and, in turn, disturbing the animal Gods of the forest. The animals and the humans have been in a constant battle over who has the right to the land and both have been lead to believe that the other species is purely evil. Ashitaka believes that the humans and the animals can get along peacefully through compromise and finds himself in the middle of their conflict. From each side’s perspective, the other seems inherently evil, but from Ashitaka’s perspective, and the perspective of the audience, neither side is truly corrupt and they are both just feeding off of each other’s anger. Alt hough the animals seem evil and barbaric to the humans, they are just being protective over their land and are acting off of their fear of the humans. On the other hand, the humans are seen as evil by the animals because of their selfish use of resources, but they are just trying to financially support their community. For example, Lady Eboshi, the leader of Irontown, is seen as evil for orchestrating this exploitation of resources from the animals, but the humans see her as a compassionate, God-like figure. She does many positive and kind things for the human community, such as taking in women from the streets and brothels and giving them a place to live and work. Even though she is, in essence, destroying the animal’s habitats, she is saving the lives of many humans while doing it. The animal characters are also portrayed as compassionate in many respects. For example, when the leader of the wolves finds an abandoned baby, she takes her in and raises her as if she were her own daughter.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Compare aspects of the life of your mother at the age of 15 with the life you have, aged 15

What did your mum do for fun at the age of fun when she was 15? What sort of career prospects did she have? What sort of food would she have eaten and what would she have viewed as cool? This essay is going to attempt to explore the differences between my mum's life at 15 and mine. My mum at 15 went to a boarding school in Devon, and so her leisure time was structured. My mothers TV viewing was decided by two prefects and the headmistress. At 15 I mostly choose what I watch on television and this varies from Eastenders to Big Brother, whereas the highlight of my mothers viewing every week was TOTP. The girls were never allowed into town except for dental treatment and could only go to the shops if the matron's helper was in a good mood and would let them. By the lower fifth (year 10) the year would have its own common room where they would listen to records by the Rolling Stones and Tamla Motown and talk. My mother told me that after half terms and exeats she and her friends having pooled their money together would have midnight feasts. Midnight feasts are now a feature of most sleepovers and shopping in town is a regular occurrence. As for music it has progressed from records to CDs and from the Rolling Stones to the Darkness. Although we do not have a common room we are now from year 10 upwards aloud to be in our form room at lunch. When my mother was 15 job prospects for women were still pretty limited and the expectation was that women should have a job but should give it up once married to look after the house and any children. There were few respectable professions for women. There example are nursing, teaching and secretarial work. This is very different from the prospects for women today. Today so long as you have the qualifications you can get almost anywhere. In 1970 there were no convenience foods such as pizza from the freezer. My mother remembers most mornings being able to have either a cooked breakfast or toast and cereal. At least once a week there would be a roast dinner as well as Sundays, and also a salad once a week. Desserts were traditionally stodgy such as spotted dick and jam roly poly. There were sometimes non-traditional foods such as paella as the school employed a Spanish cook. Today you can acquire most traditional foods at supermarkets as convenience foods though puddings at school still are mostly the same such as chocolate sponge. Roasts are not as frequent and at most schools you can have salad any day of the week, also food from other cultures are quite common. Fashion styles may have changed since my mother was 15 but the fact that if you were not in the most up to date fashions then you are considered ‘Square' has not. When my mother was 15 mini skirts had just gone out of fashion and skirts had gone to the opposite extreme of maxi skirts. Fashions were more fixed, it was either one thing or another and they did not change as often as today. There are 34 yrs between me and my mum being 15 and though some fashions and the names of the bands that teenagers listen to have changed. Teenagers still follow fashion avidly and try to break as many rules as possible even if boundaries have become wider. Prospects and boundaries may have widened but in essence things have stayed the same.

Friday, November 8, 2019

How a Christian may follow the call to discipleship through daily life and work Essay Example

How a Christian may follow the call to discipleship through daily life and work Essay Example How a Christian may follow the call to discipleship through daily life and work Essay How a Christian may follow the call to discipleship through daily life and work Essay Essay Topic: Bishop the Fish The English word vocation comes from the Latin word vocare meaning to call. Every Christian has a calling or vocation from God to be good, to serve Him and to serve others. The term disciple is also applied to every one who calls them selves a Christian.What am I going to do with my life? or What is God calling me to do with my life? We tend to think of the vocation in terms of religious life or priesthood when asking a general question about doing something. Being a Christian is to be a disciple of Jesus and every one of us has our own vocation from God. Christians are called by God to use their wisdom to help Him and to help others as a part of Gods family. The calling of people to a life of holiness, to be servants and witnesses of the Gospel is called a common vocation.As he was walking by the Lake of Galilee he saw two brothers, Simon, who was called Peter, and his brother Andrew; they were making a cast into the lake with their net, for they were fishermen. And he said to them, Come after me and I will make you fisher of people. And at once they left their nets and followed him.(Matthew 4:18-20)Going on from there, he saw two other brothers, James son of Zebedee and his brother John. They were in a boat with their father Zebedee, preparing their nets. Jesus called them, and immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him.(Matthew 4:21-22)As Jesus walked beside the Sea at Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. Come, follow me, Jesus said, and I will make you fishers of men. At once they left their nets and followed him. When he had gone a little farther, he saw James son of Zebedee and his brother John in a boat, preparing their nets. Without delay he called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men and followed him.(Mark 1:16-20)One day as Jesus was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret, with the people crowding round him and listening to the word of G od, he saw at the waters edge two boats, left there by the fishermen, who were washing their nets. He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and asked him to put out a little from shore. Then he sat down and taught the people from the boat.When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.Simon answered, Master, weve worked hard all night and havent caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. So they signalled to their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink.When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus knees and said, Go away from me Lord; I am a sinful man! For he and all his companions were astonished at the catch of fish they had taken, and so were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, Simons partners.Then Jesus said to Simon, Dont be afraid; from now on you will catch men. So they pulled their boats up on the shore, left everything and followed him.(Luke 5:1-11)As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collectors booth. Follow me, he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him.(Matthew 9:9)Anyone could be a disciple of Jesus, as we can all see that Jesus has picked his disciple living in a normal life. These four fishermen were like peasants, they were uneducated, and knew nothing about philosophy or religion but still Jesus chose them. He didnt pick a person with a name or rank in a public, a surgeon would be valued by God as much as a bus driver would, although their salaries are extensively different. A mother thats working for a part time job in Tesco to save up some money and also that she could afford to look after her children better. If this is a job a person can only do with their full potential then this is the right vocation for them.Arch Bishops, nuns, monks, priest or prime ministers are not the only ones have a vocation from the Almighty God. The message for us today is that ordinary people like us should act immediately and help Jesus to catch people when we hear it. A person who wants to be a disciple should commit and prepare them selves to God and his commandments first. They must fulfil their duties to protect God and the gospel. A nun, monk, priest, and the other parts of the religious orders turn their backs on their personal wishes and their other beliefs, to serve the people like them and specially our Almighty God. They are not considering what they will receive during their life on Earth, but they will be judged at the end of their time and as a reward they can go to eternal life in heaven.Laity, religious orders and holy orders are the three different kind of vocation. Laity are people who are not called to live in a specific state of life, this could be an everyday jo b such as an architect, manager, nurse, bus driver, doctor, seller, etc. Religious orders include nuns, monks and brothers, these people dedicate their lives to fulfilling their vocation as one of Gods brothers and sisters. Holy orders are the people like the priests, nuns, monks and brothers that dedicate their life by following God, but they would serve people, in masses and others.The followers of Jesus learned from his words and actions, which mean they put their faith into action, by spreading the word of God and serving others. Being a nurse or a doctor in England would be highly paid, but because of our vocation sometimes other doctors or nurses are assigned to another country, which is less salary. Sometimes we tend to give up a comfortable life, which one of them is our social life. Some of us sacrifice our free time to run a small business that will help other people, or run an extra-curricular activity to teach children, students, or adults. The first disciples of God wou ld sacrifice their own lives just to protect and to keep the name of Jesus Christ. They also obeyed the order of Jesus, they preach and teach other people what God taught them.People like Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King, Mahatma Ghandi and Oscar Romero are the people whose vocation to change injustice leads to their death. Mother Theresa and Martin Luther King made very large sacrifices to become apostles of God, Martin Luther King gave his life in an attempt to stop racism and Mother Theresa left her family and way of living to help those in need in India. They both showed that it is possible to be a disciple of Jesus if you have the will of power and strength. Oscar Romero was a Roman Catholic priest from South America and he was shot while celebrating a mass. He was very much an important figure in El Salvador and he felt that he had to speak out after his friend had been shot by a military firing squad. He inspired many people with his speeches and gave the people some hope.T here are still some organisations, which carry the mission of the twelve disciples in a modern way.The parable of the Sheep and GoatsWhen the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on hit throne in heavenly glory. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separate the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats in his left.Then the King will say to those on his right, Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.'Then the righteous will answer him, Lord when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drin k? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?'The King will reply, I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'Then he will say to those on his left, Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.'They also will answer, Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?'He will reply, I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.(Matthew 25:31-46)Cafod and Christian Aid prioritise t o help the needy.One of the most important teachings of Christ is the passage of the Cost of DiscipleshipThen he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it.(Mark 8:34-35)The specifically Christian vocation meets that fundamental human vocation with resounding affirmation. For we are baptised into Christ Jesus (Romans 6:3). That challenging invitation Follow me! is not an appeal to heroic or the wilful. It is rather a call to awaken to the new reality, discover in the depths of your being that you are in Christ. Your spirit and Holy Spirit bear a united witness that you are a child of God (cf Romans 8:16).

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Psycology Coaches essays

Psycology Coaches essays At there is an article dealing with therapy, well sort of. When most people think of therapy, they think of people who are having problems, people who don't know what to do, well in this article there is a new look on therapy. It's actually not even called therapy, it's called coaching. Coaches are therapists who want to work with highly motivated clients who are not fragile, and who want to make BIG changes in their life on their profession or business. In fact, the more coaches there are, the more quickly the public will find the effectiveness and convenience and benefits of having a personal coach. Psychologist turned coaches repeat that not only is coaching lucrative and professionally satisfying, it is delightful to help clients nationally and internationally (via tele-coaching) while sitting by the pool or on the deck in jeans or shorts. Many coaches themselves have coaches. Many coaches are trained just to be coaches and are not therapists to begin with , yet those who have psychological training have so much more of an edge. Just as APA is for psychologists, coaches have ICF, International Coach Federation that brings together all coaches as one professional body. The ICF has recently instituted a process to credential coaches in order to insure quality standards for anyone hiring a personal or professional coach. Life coaching is an evolutionary step beyond therapy, and therapists who have made the shift say it has revitalized their lives and helped them reclaim the spirit that attracted them to mental health training in the first place. The coaching relationship is as energizing to coach as it is to the client and for the therapist who sill enjoys working with challenging psychological disorders, this can be a nice balance to one's professional life. Coaches who are hired re usually hired for longer periods of time allowing clients to build stronger more trusting relationships. For some situatio...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Organization communication and behavior (Australia) Essay

Organization communication and behavior (Australia) - Essay Example People tend to disregard the purpose of their organization after a certain period of time in the quest of expanding, inventing new products and to gain larger market share. They create products or offer services that are absolutely unrelated to their core business. This can be a disaster! Drifting away from one’s mission statement gives a reason to the public to doubt that organization, its abilities, potential, competencies and its plans. It is the mission statement on the basis of which organizations devise their long term goals and strategies that are essential for organizational success. It generates a state of direction and creates synergy, aiding performance evaluation of the company to seek the extent till which it is aligned with its core objectives. A mission statement provides the basis for planning, motivating, coordinating and controlling activities within an organization. Abiding by the mission statement the company decides upon its long term strategies not deviat ing from its core purpose. These strategies may include expansion strategies, acquisition, product development and market penetration strategies etc. All of this is done in context in the presence of a mission statement. It helps to reaffirm what a firm is striving to achieve and how. One should always keep the mission of the corporation in mind because straying away from it can be catastrophic as it creates doubts in the minds of the consumers which can lead to destroyed business and can leave irreparable damages to the reputation of the company. An ideal mission statement should be inspiring to employees. It brings motivation within staff as their purpose crystallizes and they see their value of contribution. It is the first step to consider while deciding upon the strategic management model for the company. It is when we state our purpose and desired future we are more likely to achieve it. It’s not that an organization cannot alter its mission statement with time. As chan ging era and trends bring about new needs and requirements that the company has to respond to. Demands brought up by the changing environment and business needs have to be addressed in the interest of the organization itself. They cannot be overlooked or ignored because they have the tendency to destroy the organization and make it obsolete. So, with time as demands of the customers change the company has to also alter its vision and mission, policies and business processes to adapt to those changes. Hence an organization may make changes to its mission as the need arises. However, very frequent and big changes made to the mission may cause confusion and doubts in the consumers mind. A company that is confused about its purpose of existence seems to be unreliable and is criticized. Multiple alterations to the mission and purpose weaken the reputation of the company and reduce its employee morale. Robert Kiyosaki in his book Rich Dad, Poor Dad tells us â€Å"The process is always th e same. You need to know what you’re looking for and then go look for it.† B. Vision and mission are the manifestation of a firm’s strategy. They are the most obvious reasons represented in the form of statements that a firm proposes as a reason for its existence. There has to be a unanimous belief so everyone in the organization has a single direction to work in. Mission and Vision is for everyone to read and understand the reason for the firm’

Friday, November 1, 2019

The fall of Satan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The fall of Satan - Essay Example Satan always yearns to be God. He once tried to convince Adam and Eve by telling that if they eat the forbidden fruit, they will be as God. Satan’s desire and purpose is nothing but to be God. We find in the passage that Lucifer wanted to raise his throne above the stars of God. Satan is the author of desire, lust and thirst for position. His mind is clearly revealed in this passage. He wanted to be like the most high. Throughout the bible we find Satan relentlessly attempting to make himself like God. Yet another passage that confirms the mentioning of Satan in Isaiah 14 is Ezekiel 28. Here we find a proud king, king of Tyre who represents Satan. Satan, the father of pride and idolatry is ruling the heart of king of Tyre. We find the lamentation about king of Tyre, Satan. We find that he was in the Garden of Eden, among the fiery stones. He was adorned with precious stones, and was a shining star in heaven. In the same passage we find Satan being thrown out of heaven. His pri de pushed him out of heaven. We find his fall to the earth from heaven. It is the same fall Jesus mentions in Luke 10:18. The description of the fallen star in Isaiah 14, Luke 10 and Ezekiel 28 refer to Satan, the fallen angel. The pride of the fallen star mentioned in Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 accounts to Satan alone. Satan’s status before the God prior to his fall is also explained in Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28. In Ezekiel we read that â€Å"Thus says the Lord God: â€Å"You were the signet of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God every precious stone was your covering, sardius, topaz, and diamond, beryl, onyx, and jasper, sapphire, emerald, and carbuncle; and crafted in gold were your settings and your engravings. On the day that you were created they were prepared. You were an anointed guardian cherub. I placed you; you were on the holy mountain of God; in the midst of the stones of fire you walked. You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created, till unrighteousness was found in you† (The Holy Bible). Who other than Satan was found in the Garden of Eden? Satan who remained as the guardian angel for Adam and Eve sinned against God and man because of his pride and thirst for glory and power. This unrighteous attitude of Satan is mentioned in the passages. Satan’s unrighteousness was found on the day he developed the desire to place himself above God. Isaiah explain this unrighteousness as â€Å"You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; above the stars of God; I will set my throne on high; I will sit on the mount of assembly in the far reaches of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High’† (The Holy Bible). The consequence of Satan’s pride is also mentioned in Isaiah 14. We read that â€Å"How you are fallen from heaven, O Day Star, son of Dawn! How you are cut down to the ground, you who laid the nations low!† (The Holy Bible). The explanation of Satan’s position before God, his beauty, his adornment, his perfection and his place (in the Garden of Eden) in Ezekiel resembles to the glory and honor of Satan mentioned in Isaiah 14. Isaiah describes him as morning star, son of the dawn. Ezekiel finds him walking in the stones of fire. The status of Satan before and after the fall coincides in all the three passages. There is no character in the Bible who can be attributed to the characteristics